At Prismatic Copy we turn your words into dollars. Let’s Talk!
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My experience has taught me to view all things in life with prism-like clarification.
Hi! I’m Carole and I write copy for professionals like you!
As an entrepreneur for over 20 years, I have found Copywriting to be the most challenging. Each of us regardless of profession will or continues to need to develop copywriting. Copywriting is not unique to any one person or profession. The truth is that whether you are an individual trying to find your true love or a business executive looking to secure your next contract, you will need to write copy. At Prismatic Copy, you are provided prism-like clarification of YOUR WORDS to achieve maximum effectiveness.
My Services
CopyWriting, E Books, Blog Writer, Landing Pages, Editing, Proofreading and more!
E-Books are essential for a successful website but who has the time to write one? Answer: I DO! My commitment to you is to perform the necessary research to present you successfully to the WORLD!
Combining and coordinating all things internet is essential. These days it’s just not enough to have a website. Your website is just one piece of what’s needed to truly identify, track, sell, resell and ultimately set you a part from others. All of these take time, as the essential key is follow up. When is the last time you developed an effective “opt in”? How much time do you have to continuously create follow-up emails or blogs? What about product descriptions that lead to opt-ins to secure potential business? If you have answered “no” or “not recently” to any of the above, YOU NEED ME!
Website Content and Professional Writing
“Tweaking” you website continuously is essential to maintain current information. As a professional, it is doubtful that you have time to do it yourself. If you haven’t written that white paper yet and just don’t have time.

About Me
As a Health Care Professional for more than 30 years, I have had occasion to write many forms of communication from white papers to emails. As a Health Care Executive, it became essential to develop all forms of communication to produce an effective outcome. I found this to be true in all forms of life inside and outside of Health Care.
I have always been the “go-to” person for all things written for friends, family and colleagues. Writing came with such ease. When I discovered Copywriting, I realized that I could take my innate desire as a health care professional for helping people and couple that with my talent and passion for writing and MAKE IT PROFITABLE FOR EVERYONE! How great is that?! As I Copywriter, I learned that one simple sales letter can convert at 75%. I was in shock. I realized immediately that I could assist people to “brand” by structuring words in a manner that presents the greatest return for them. How Cool is that? Truly, this is the coolest work I have ever done! When hiring a copywriter it is essential to have a person who loves writing and LISTENS TO THE GOALS OF THE CLIENT. THAT’S ME! There is a deep sense of personal pride and accomplishment for me when I convey my client’s ideas and feelings through my words with the added bonus of making them money.
Recent Work

Website descriptions/web content of all brands. Sales letters/emails/opt ins.

Linked in profiles/professional profiles/resume design

White papers/Book summaries/catalogue synopsis/Blog Headings//Medical Nutrition nutrition/Holistic Nutrition/Whole Food Nutrition interventions/Herbal interventions/Essential Oils/Immune System and Health
What the Clients Say…
Susan Linke, MS,RD,LD, CLT
“Carole’s creativity actually enlightened me about my own qualifications. Through listening and identifying my qualifications, Carole was able to translate my abilities across multidimensional venues. Now instead of thinking of myself as a “an airline person” I am able to project how my training is applicable and beneficial to many other fields which is extremely freeing!
Thank you, Carole! I hope many more take advantage of your creativity. I could have never written my profile and/or resume the way you did”.
Susan Kelley
Flight Recovery Coordinator at JetBlue
Contact Me
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